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Our initiatives

The KYA Foundation was created in October 2022. Its aim is to contribute to the socio-economic development of African populations, from the most vulnerable groups, through development in energy, agriculture, medicine, education and the environment.

KYA Foundation, for a better world.

Our means of action

  • The granting of scholarships and training grants,

  • The organization of innovation competitions,

  • The organization of training courses, conferences, seminars, debates, etc.,

  • Support for finding internships and professional integration,

  • Support for solar electrification of health centers, schools, agricultural structures (drilling for irrigation and drinking water; agricultural machinery, etc.)

  • Donations…

  • Increasing access to sustainable and modern energy services in rural areas.

  • Promote science and technology in general in Africa and particularly among women.

  • Promote the employability of young people in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency through dedicated training and internships.

  • Contribute to ensuring the social responsibility of KYA-Energy Group.

Our goals

Areas of intervention

Education and training

Education is a fundamental right, a powerful tool for development and one of the best ways to reduce poverty, promote gender equality and advance peace and stability.
It is in this sense that the KYA Foundation intervenes in access to education for young girls in the field of science and technology. The foundation encourages the pursuit of studies among talented girls and also grants scholarships to those who are vulnerable.


Renewable energy

Energy is important for social and economic development. In order to facilitate access to sustainable energy in rural and semi-urban areas, the KYA Foundation intervenes in the installation of pumping systems and solar lighting systems. Free training is also offered to girls in the installation and maintenance of photovoltaic solar systems each year.

Sustainable development

The world has set itself a challenge of 17 sustainable development goals to achieve before 20230. The KYA Foundation was created to meet these goals, including 7 main ones:
SDG1 - End poverty in all its forms
SDG4 - Quality education for all,
SDG5 - Gender equality and women's empowerment,
SDG7 - Sustainable energy for all,
SDG8 - economic growth and employment for all,
SDG 13 - Combating climate change,
SDG 17-Partnerships for the achievement of the goals.


Some images of our activities

GOLD Sponsors

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Contact us


300m, street opposite the Loyola Cultural Center (CCL), Route Mission Tové, Agoè Logopé

08 BP 81101, Lomé - Togo

Monday - Friday

07:30–12:00 | 14:00–17:30


+228 99 99 93 80


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